Contributed a new blog post Advanced Cookie-based session affinity with...
Contributed a new blog post Advanced Cookie-based session affinity with Application Request Routing to the MSDN Blogs.
View ArticleReceived a 5 star rating on the Advanced Cookie-based session affinity with...
Received a 5 star rating on the Advanced Cookie-based session affinity with Application Request Routing contribution on the MSDN Blogs.
View ArticleThe blog post Batch loading InfoPath Forms in SharePoint 2007 on the MSDN...
The blog post Batch loading InfoPath Forms in SharePoint 2007 on the MSDN Blogs has reached critical mass. Well done!
View ArticleThe blog post Consommer des services OData en Java avec Restlet on the MSDN...
The blog post Consommer des services OData en Java avec Restlet on the MSDN Blogs has achieved its 15 minutes of fame. Congratulations!
View ArticleThe blog post TechEd: nouveau SDK Windows Azure, annonces SQL Azure, CDN en...
The blog post TechEd: nouveau SDK Windows Azure, annonces SQL Azure, CDN en production on the MSDN Blogs has achieved its 15 minutes of fame. Congratulations!
View ArticleContributed a new blog post Using PowerShell Remoting for disk provisioning...
Contributed a new blog post Using PowerShell Remoting for disk provisioning automation to the MSDN Blogs.
View ArticleReceived a 5 star rating on the Using PowerShell Remoting for disk...
Received a 5 star rating on the Using PowerShell Remoting for disk provisioning automation contribution on the MSDN Blogs.
View ArticleThe blog post Webcast: Installer le plug-in WordPress pour Windows Azure on...
The blog post Webcast: Installer le plug-in WordPress pour Windows Azure on the MSDN Blogs has achieved its 15 minutes of fame. Congratulations!
View ArticleThe blog post Deploying Cloudera CDH on Windows Azure Virtual Machines using...
The blog post Deploying Cloudera CDH on Windows Azure Virtual Machines using Cloudera Manager on the MSDN Blogs has achieved its 15 minutes of fame. Congratulations!
View ArticleThe blog post VM Role Windows Azure - 4ème partie: déploiement de la machine...
The blog post VM Role Windows Azure - 4ème partie: déploiement de la machine virtuelle on the MSDN Blogs has achieved its 15 minutes of fame. Congratulations!
View ArticleContributed a new blog post Java sur Windows Azure (Cloud Cover Show...
Contributed a new blog post Java sur Windows Azure (Cloud Cover Show n°122) to the MSDN Blogs.
View ArticleReceived a 5 star rating on the Java sur Windows Azure (Cloud Cover Show...
Received a 5 star rating on the Java sur Windows Azure (Cloud Cover Show n°122) contribution on the MSDN Blogs.
View ArticleRated the Windows Azure Quickstarts contribution in the Visual Studio Gallery
Rated the Windows Azure Quickstarts contribution in the Visual Studio Gallery
View ArticleThank you for rating a contribution on the galleries for the first time. You...
Thank you for rating a contribution on the galleries for the first time. You have earned a bronze achievement.
View ArticleThe blog post Microsoft confirme son orientation vers le Cloud Computing avec...
The blog post Microsoft confirme son orientation vers le Cloud Computing avec Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 on the MSDN Blogs has achieved its 15 minutes of fame. Congratulations!
View ArticleContributed a new blog post Série interop’: Actualité...
Contributed a new blog post Série interop’: Actualité de Java sur Windows Azure to the MSDN Blogs.
View ArticleReceived a 5 star rating on the Série interop’: Actualité de Java sur...
Received a 5 star rating on the Série interop’: Actualité de Java sur Windows Azure contribution on the MSDN Blogs.
View ArticleContributed a new blog post Installing MariaDB Galera Cluster on Windows...
Contributed a new blog post Installing MariaDB Galera Cluster on Windows Azure to the MSDN Blogs.
View ArticleReceived a 5 star rating on the Installing MariaDB Galera Cluster on Windows...
Received a 5 star rating on the Installing MariaDB Galera Cluster on Windows Azure contribution on the MSDN Blogs.
View ArticleThe blog post Analyzing page view logs using Pig on Windows Azure HDInsight...
The blog post Analyzing page view logs using Pig on Windows Azure HDInsight on the MSDN Blogs has achieved its 15 minutes of fame. Congratulations!
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